Monday, February 17, 2025

Reflection of Group Meeting

Today, Monday, February 10th, we did a group meeting in class with members from each group in the class randomly selected to be in this group. We were instructed to tell each other our ideas for the project, and the basic structure of our film opening or how we are planning to do it, and give each other feedback on how to either improve their original ideas or give them ideas on how to start in general. I was in a group with Julia, Shira, Veronica, and Gabriel. We all discussed our ideas with each other and gave and were given feedback and inspiration for our film openings.

Here is a picture taken from our group meeting while we were writing notes about each others’ films.

First, Shira shared her idea with us. Her idea was to do something along the lines of a psychological thriller/horror surrounding something paranormal, such as a zombie apocalypse. She wasn't too sure on how to structure her film openings so I gave her some ideas. I suggested using editing techniques to do something cool with a time glitch, such as a timestamp of ex: “November 2023” of a normal city “before” the apocalypse and then a glitch happens and it cuts to the “after” where the city is just pure havoc reading the timestamp of ex: “two months later…”. We also had the idea of having a voiceover when the glitch happens to the “after” of a news reporter in the background to give context to the audience about what happens in the film. I also told her the mise-en-scene is very important for this film because of the detail needed to be put into those acting like the zombies, and shows the audience what is happening so it isn’t a vague opening.

Next, Julia told us about her film, a drama. It is about a girl who is depressed as her school year is ending, and doesnt know whether she wants to continue living (suicide type thing) and there is a plot twist in the end of the opening. Her idea had a very developed plot and a good structed opening in general. The only “issue” that I saw with her opening was that the ending of the opening sort of ended in a “resolution” of the story, kinda making it seem like a short film. I gave her some ideas on how to keep things interesting to insinuate to the audience there was more film after the opening is over.

Veronica’s film genre is a thriller/coming of age film about a girl who is with her friends at the beach partying and drinking. This girl ends up passing out on the beach and her friends are taking pictures of her and making fun of her, and end up leaving her at the beach. She wakes up and it is nighttime and sees a shadow-y figure coming towards her. She’s moving backwards away from it but is still coming towards her. Veronica wasnt sure on how to finish off the opening, so I suggested an ending that has to do with continuing the storyline about the girl going missing and her friends going on a mission to find out what happened to her. I honestly think this was my best idea in the whole group meeting and was really proud of it; I would be interested in watching this if it was a full movie.

Last but not least, Gabriel. He wants to do a film in the thriller genre, but he wasnt too sure about what to do. He talked about whether he should switch genres and just restart the whole brainstorm process, and went between that and some suggestions on what to do in his film, since he didnt really have any ideas he truly liked and wanted to pursue. I suggested some movies in the same/similar genres so he could maybe take some inspiration from on of the movies, or maybe the movies would spark something in his head to create a very cool concept for the opening.

After I shared my idea, I was given ideas on my project on how to develop the full plot of the film so I can figure out how to fully structure the opening and the scenes in it, and specifically how to end off since I was a little lost on how to finish my opening. Hopefully I can take some of their suggestions and incorporate it into the film opening somehow to create a cool opening to keep audiences intrigued and “wanting more.”

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