Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Mise-en-Scene (#1)

 To develop mise-en-scene, me and my partner have decided to use clothes to express emotions and set the tone for the rest of the film opening. By using different tones, colors, and styles of clothing, one can set different tones and emotions through the screen to the audience.

The mise-en-scene for the first scene, which is the bottle scene, where Ricky throws the empty alcohol bottle at Scarlett, is as follows.

The scene starts off in the living room. There is a couch, a TV, food scattered on the couch where they were sitting and chilling before the argument got heated. the movie on the TV is paused, and the audience can hear a dog barking in the background as the couple is fighting.

Scarlett is wearing a white shirt and shorts. This signifies innocence, purity, and devotion to the audience. This helps develop the personality of the character as it reflects their emotions and feelings at the moment and gives background and provides context for the rest of the film.

Ricky, on the other hand, is wearing a red shirt and sweatpants. This signifies anger and violence, and the sweatpants signify laziness towards their relationship. This outfit gives the audience the sense of his emotions and his true personality throughout the film.

After, Scarlett runs into the backyard of the house, after sensing the argument getting really heated. Since context provided shows she's been in the relationship for a while, the audience can infer she knows when the argument or bickering is getting too intense, so she walks outside for a breath of fresh air. Ricky throws the bottle at her and gets mad that she's walking away from him. The lighting is very bright up until the bottle smashes into the wall right next to Scarlett's head. This signifies she is being stripped from the life she loves. She does truly love him, but she slowly is realizing this isn't the life she wants to be living nor the type of relationship she wants to be in.

The props being used are the fake bottle, the fake blood for a cut on her face, and her phone she holds up to try to protect her face from the bottle. The bottle were going to use is a prop bottle which smashes really easy and doesn't leave shards of glass or anything that can be prone to being injured.

This is one I found from this website.

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Mise-en-Scene (#2)

 The mise-en-scene of the party scene begins with Scarlett walking around in the party. We are going to achieve this effect by throwing a sm...